Christianity unknown?


ct According to a new research project released by Gordon-Conwell's Center for the study of Global Christianity, approximately 20% of non-Christian North Americans do not personally know a single Christian. Read that again. Slowly.

We live in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave; the country where Christianity has often been considered to be so well-known that some in other countries view every American as a Christian, simply by default. Yet, in this country with our religious freedom, 1 out of every 5 non-believers has no personal relationship with someone who follows Christ.

When you look at the numbers more specifically, you find a few examples that are even more disturbing. According to their research, almost 78% of Hindus in American do not know a single Christian. Almost 43% of Muslims and a surprising 66% of Buddhists, do not know a Christian.

These numbers should radically influence our thoughts about the need to reach our own continent with the gospel.

You can read more about the report at Christianity Today.