Less than 2 days...

Impact 2008, the 1st annual SBC Small Church Leadership Conference, is less than 2 days away. I'll be getting up and leaving my house around 5am Thursday morning to catch a flight to Charlotte where I will hop into my rental car and head north to Lewisville, right outside of Winston-Salem. I'm very much looking forward to spending some time with some of the most incredible pastors in our convention, those who are faithfully leading smaller churches. I spoke to conference organizer Les Puryear today and it sounds as if it is going to be an incredible conference. I've been working on the website for the conference and have actually just completed a renovation in time for the conference. As part of the renovation I have added a page which will feature a podcast that you can subscribe to and receive free audio files of each session. The church has wifi in the Worship Center so I will attempt (in other words no promises) to post each audio session within an hour or two of it being delivered at the conference. As long as I am able to get the uploading taken care of in a reasonable amount of time, you should have access to each file within a short amount of time.

I understand that Baptist Press and the Biblical Recorder will both be reporting from the conference and a couple of bloggers, Chuck Warnock and Gene Bridges, will be live blogging the sessions. Make sure you check them out. I have a feeling this conference will feature some dynamite information that will be helpful for pastors and church leaders.

I'm not sure what my own blogging will be like during the conference. My 3 days in NC are pretty packed. I will try, as possible, to fit in some blogging as I can, though.

You can access the conference website by clicking here.