Ministry Technology Update

hitechitech.gif Most of you know that I am fairly passionate about using technology to reach younger generations with the message of Jesus Christ. I have been trying, for years now, to utilize the newest forms of media in a manner which will enhance our ability to communicate God's message. In fact, I will be speaking at IMPACT 2008 in March on the topic, "from hiTech to iTech :: Ministry Technology in 2008".

In keeping with that theme of helping churches enhance their technology/media ministries, I like to regularly post helpful sites and/or tools that I've found for churches. I try to look with smaller churches in mind, knowing that they often don't have the personnel and budget to do so themselves.

Tonight I want to pass on a very helpful site. At Dean Peters does a good job of listing the "7 Deadly Sins of Church Web Site Design". If you are a church and you are maintaining your own site, you really need to read and adhere to the lessons in this article. You can access the article by clicking here.