
Web 2.0 is changing the way that the church looks at the world. As the church moves forward we are charged with attempting to find additional ways to connect and communicate with the world at large. In light of those thoughts, I wanted to share with you a couple of recent additions to the world of technology that I think could be of great help to your personal spiritual growth and enhance your ministry as well. regreek.jpg

First up to bat is RE:GREEK, otherwise known as The Resurgence Greek Project. RE:GREEK is another resource from the innovative guys at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. RE:GREEK is an outstanding effort to make the study of the Greek language available to every person who has a desire for deeper and more significant study without having to purchase costly software or spend time in theological education which simply may not be feasible for all people.

This effort gets two big thumbs up from me! thumbup.jpgthumbup.jpg


Secondly I am most excited about this innovation known as YouVersion. The incredibly forward thinking folks at have recently unveiled their web based bible study software known as YouVersion. In an effort to promote deeper Bible study as well as enhanced personal devotion time, LifeChurch has dropped the digital devotion time in our laps. Some of the exciting features include, but are not limited to,

  • Dual screen study, which allows for the Bible passage to be listed on one side, with additional features listed on the right side.
  • Journaling, this feature allows you to journal while you study, and then to save and archive your journal entries
  • Multiple Bible versions
  • An annual reading plan

All this, and more, is incredibly encouraging to me as I'm one of those who finds work on the computer to be the most accessible method of learning and working. For people like me this software creates opportunities to practice my personal devotion time in a format that fits my schedule and personality more comfortably than any other method that I've used in the past.

This, too, gets two thumbs up from me! thumbup.jpgthumbup.jpg