SBC Blog Madness :: Sweet 16

Ok guys, it's getting serious now. You voted last week for in the Blog Madness competition over at and I ended up 3rd overall out of 69 total blogs. I sincerely appreciate the help! Now it gets serious, however. Tony, who runs has announced that whoever ends up winning the competition will win a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate. In other words, you can help me win books which makes this a really exciting competition. So, if you don't mind, would you run over and vote for me in round 2? In this round Tony is asking you to consider who you vote for based on the following criteria.

For this session I want you to consider the helpfulness of each blog, especially when they write about SBC related issues. Or suppose that Baptist was going to carry one blog post a month from from four blogs, which blogger would you suggest?

In this  round the Midwest Division has been trimmed down to the following.

  1. Micah Fries
  2. Provocations & Pantings (Timmy Brister)
  3. Joining God In His Work (Les Puryear)
  4. SBC Tomorrow (Peter Lumpkins)

To vote, click here.